About Sunshine Sensory Gym

What is a Sensory Gym?

A sensory gym is a play space designed specifically to support a child with regulating and supporting their sensory needs safely. A sensory gym includes specialized equipment to support all senses, that can include a therapy swing, climbing wall, trampoline, and crash pad as well as a calming space.

At sunshine sensory gym we offer a space to allow for movement in a fun and safe environment. As well as space to further explore a child’s senses through play.

Sunshine Sensory Gym is ; A place for all children to play, despite their abilities. 


  • Adaptive equipment would include adaptive swings for children who access a wheelchair for mobility, or have low postural tone impacting their ability to sit and balance on a standard swing. 

  • Children on the autism spectrum often seek sensory input through climbing, jumping, swinging, and crashing, this would be the place to provide and support those needs. 

Sunshine Sensory Gym could allow parents a safe space for their children to run and play even on rainy days!

About Sensory Play

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates our senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. It helps children interact with and make sense of the world that surrounds them.

Sensory play plays an important role in a child’s learning and development. Much of our learning comes through our ability to use our senses to retain information.

 Sensory play is a lot of fun. It also offers many benefits for child development, including:

  • Helping children understand how their actions affect what’s around them.

  • Supporting brain development, enhancing memory, complex tasks and problem solving.

  • Developing fine motor skills through tactile play (useful when children want to hold a pen or use scissors for example).

  • Supporting language development, communication and social skills.

  • Enhancing memory and observational skills.

  • Encouraging creative and independent thinking.

  • Emotional regulation by providing a calming effect on children’s angry or anxious feelings.

Some children may have a sensory sensitivity or need. Every child who has a sensory sensitivity is different, and their needs may change over time.


About Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy ?

A kid's occupation is to grow, learn, do schoolwork, and play. Occupational therapy (OT) helps kids who have a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability. It helps them do everyday things like eating, putting on shoes and socks, focusing on learning, writing, and playing with toys or other kids.

Occupational therapists create activities that help kids find ways to do things that are hard for them because of an illness or disability.

 (At this time we do not offer feeding therapy . The sensory gym is not a related OT service, just a time designated by you to play with your little one in a safe sensory friendly environment.)